Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How did women dress in Ancient Rome?

For global,our question of interest is How did women dress in Ancient Rome?Before we started to research our topic, we made a guess that women wore long dresses and or robes to cover themselves up.

Resources we used to find our answer-
We used a book called Roman people by Sara Howarth
(Publisher: Simon and Schuster)
Copyright date 1995
We used a website which is and

Answer to our question-
In the book we found that the women in ancient Rome wore a lot of jewelry and had many cosmetics.To back our information up, we went online and found more information. Romans style of dressing was identical to the Greek's dresses. The garments are sewn. The basic garment is called the stola. This was a long robe that reaches the ground. This dress can either have long sleeves short sleeves or even no sleeves. These dresses were altered to the type of money each women had. The more layers of the dress you had determined how wealthy you was in Rome.Another type In conclusion, we have learned, many things about our topic. We learned that women wore identical dresses to the Greek. These robes were called stola. Another type of clothing that women wore was the Pala. This was a long robe that covered the body. It can have any size or shape. Rich women wore lots of jewelry and cosmetics. Rich women also were described wealthy by the layers of there robes. This is what we learned about our topic How did women dress in Ancient Rome.

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